Our Commitment to the Community

As a Western Australian-based Company, Chalice is proud to be a part of the local communities where we work.

We have actively and transparently engaged with local communities and Traditional Owners to build respectful and collaborative relationships, with a goal of earning trust and achieving lasting social and economic benefits. It also helps us better understand the potential social, environmental, and economic impacts of our activities in the communities where we are based.

Local Communities

Chalice considers the communities in the Shires of Toodyay and Chittering directly adjacent to the Gonneville Project as our key regional stakeholders, alongside other neighbouring communities in the areas surrounding.

As a member of these communities, local employment, procurement and sponsorships are among the best ways Chalice can contribute today.

Community Investment

As a member of the local communities surrounding the Gonneville Project, local employment, procurement and funding are among the best ways we can meaningfully contribute today.  

Local Voices

Community can contribute their feedback about the Gonneville Project via the Local Voices community survey – designed and run by Voconiq to help Chalice better understand community sentiment.


As part of our commitment to keeping local communities informed, Chalice regularly publishes the Gonneville Project Community Newsletter to provide updates on our activity and community initiatives.

Sourcing Locally

Chalice will prioritise local employment and local procurement wherever possible, and expects these opportunities to grow significantly throughout construction and operations (2027 onwards).

While Chalice continue to work through design and planning studies and the environmental approvals processes, there are limited opportunities for employment and very few supplies required at the Gonneville Project site.

Until construction begins in approximately 2027, the best way Chalice can support local communities in through the Chalice Community Investment Program.